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An eye for detail that enhances your business
An eye for detail that enhances your business

Welcome to Secure Solutions


SVA Holdings

This SVA division offers a broad range of products and services including forensic audits, forensic polygraph testing (including when hiring a workforce), forensic investigations, covert operations, criminal or ITC checks, lifestyle audits and real-time reporting.

As with all of our services, we go beyond simply confirming that there has been an incident involving a loss and instead inform clients about how the loss took place, why it happened and how to prevent it from recurring in the future.

Using technology to solve problems, we assist clients in achieving financial safety, confidence and a sense of security within the business. For us, tools such as CCTV are not just screens to record activities, but a method to ensure compliance with policies and procedures. We protect you and make compliance work for you, not against you.




An eagle eye for detail

Eagles are known for their incredible eyesight. In fact, it is estimated that their vision is 4 to 8 times stronger than that of the average human. We believe our forensics division is equally exceptional and well above average, making it an excellent way to both support and enhance your business.

Using our patented technology, we prevent future losses in your company, giving you unprecedented peace of mind.


We provide our clients with:

Forensic audits, polygraphs and investigations

Covert operations, ITC checks and lifestyle audits







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